Energy and new materials

The Energy and New Materials sector is primarily concerned with the development of thin-film deposition systems and the development of complex materials using Pulsed Electron Deposition (PED) and sputtering technologies. Our researchers characterise the devices thus produced by means of filmetrics, XRD and SEM microscopy. Expertise covers the technologies revolving around these systems: vacuum technologies, electron guns, thin film deposition systems and their characterisation.
The team is also involved in the realisation of a large-scale simulator of extra-terrestrial conditions comprising a vacuum system and a solar simulator.
The group’s skills also cover the area of industrial automation with expertise in automation, sensors and microcontroller and PLC electronic controls for the automated management of industrial machines (Siemens and Omron PLC systems, National Instrument-based systems). This expertise has already led to the creation of a pre-industrial automated machine for the construction of solar cells (CIGS).

This Department also deals with the development of custom electronics, from design to final realization. We use high voltage power and impulse systems based on vacuum tube technology (spark gap, thyratron etc.) or solid state systems (SCR, MOSFET etc.). Particular attention is paid to the production of energy from renewable sources.