E. Amaldi Foundation
Italy giving you Space.
E. Amaldi Foundation
Italy giving
you Space.
We support Italian companies in becoming replicable examples of excellence in new space economy.
E. Amaldi Foundation (FEA) is the new Italian model for applied research, technology transfer and the promotion and support of the national scientific heritage. The foundation, born in 2017 from the will of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the
Hypatia Research Consortium, aims to offer a new way for interpreting applied science.
FEA’s team of researchers is organized into six interdependent sectors that guide and promote the synergy between research and partnership development with businesses.
Research Lines
We work on disruptive technological solutions for the entire production system, that we consider being at the basis of growth and employment in our country.
We regard at scientific research as an instrument of union, civilization and growth
We support and promote scientific research aimed at technology transfer, focusing in particular on the space sector. We consider space a fundamental tool for the economic development of Italy, and therefore an exceptional source of innovation and improvement for the country.
Collaboration agreement between the E. Amaldi Foundation and Deloitte Italy
The E. Amaldi Foundation is organising the 2nd EUDIS Hackathon “Empowering Innovation for European Defence” to be held in Rome from 9 to 11 May 2025.
The E. Amaldi Foundation is one of Teseas strategic partners for the 9th CASSINI Hackathon: Space for Healthcare in Bologna, following the success of the 8th edition in Rome.
Turn the wheel
Fondazione E. Amaldi will organise the 8th Cassini Hackathon “EU Space for Security & Defence” which will take place in Rome from November 22 to 24, 2024
Fondazione E. Amaldi coordinates INNO4CFIs project
Alberto Tuozzi is the new President of E. Amaldi Foundation
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