

International Journals

Daou, Farah, Beatrice Masante, Stefano Gabetti, Federico Mochi, Giovanni Putame, Eleonora Zenobi, Elisa Scatena et al. “Unraveling the transcriptome profile of pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation in bone regeneration using a bioreactor-based investigation platform.” Bone 182 (2024): 117065.
Gabetti, Stefano, Beatrice Masante, Alessandro Schiavi, Elisa Scatena, Eleonora Zenobi, Simone Israel, Alessandro Sanginario et al. “Adaptable test bench for ASTM-compliant permeability measurement of porous scaffolds for tissue engineering.” Scientific Reports 14, no. 1 (2024): 1722.
Giuliani, Chiara, Ilaria De Stefano, Mariateresa Mancuso, Noemi Fiaschini, Luis Alexander Hein, Daniele Mirabile Gattia, Elisa Scatena et al. “Advanced Electrospun Composites Based on Polycaprolactone Fibers Loaded with Micronized Tungsten Powders for Radiation Shielding.” Polymers 16, no. 18 (2024): 2590.


International Journals

Ledda, M., Merco, M., Sciortino, A., Scatena, E., Convertino, A., Lisi, A. and Del Gaudio, C., 2022. Biological Response to Bioinspired Microporous 3D-Printed Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(10), p.5383.
Mochi, F., Scatena, E., Rodriguez, D., Ginebra, M.P, and Del Gaudio, C., 2022. Scaffold-based bone tissue engineering in microgravity: potential, concerns and implications. Npj Microgravity (2022)


Eleonora Zenobi, Giulia Salvatore , Federica Galante , Luca Novello, Giuseppe Felici, Antonio Rinaldi, Ilaria De Stefano, Elisa Scatena. INNOVATIVE SOLUTION FOR RADIATION SHIELDING. 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023. 3/2
Lorenzo Scatena, Eleonora Zenobi, Elisa Scatena , Bartosz Kempisty, Liyana Popova, Michele Balsamo , Lucy Di Silvio, Arnaud Scherberich, Stefano Gabetti , Umberto Morbiducci, Diana Massai, Daniel Rodriguez Rius, Maria Pau Ginebra. THE RELEVANCE OF A TOPICAL TEAM IN THE INVESTIGATION, ADVANCEMENT AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE RESEARCH FROM THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY THROUGH SPACE TECHNOLOGIES TO TERRESTRIAL IMPACTS. 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023
Eleonora Zenobi, Elisa Scatena, Luca Panizza, Raffaella Pecci, Antonella Lisi, Mario Ledda, Costantino Del Gaudio. 3D PRINTED BIOMIMETIC SCAFFOLDS FOR BONE-CELLS MICROGRAVITY RESPONSE. 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Eleonora Zenobi, Elisa Scatena , Pietro Ioppolo , Raffaella Pecci, Fabrizio Quadrini, Gerardo Grasso, Roberto Dragone. DISRUPTIVE MATERIAL TECHNOLOGIES TO ADDRESS MICROBIAL HAZARDS FOR SPACE HUMAN EXPLORATION. 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Elisa Scatena , Federico Mochi, Eleonora Zenobi, , Luca Panizza, Raffaella Pecci, Mario Ledda, Antonella Lisi, Costantino Del Gaudio. Biological evaluation of bone-like scaffolds in simulated microgravity. XII Annual Meeting of the Italian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics September 18-19, 2023, Turin, Italy
Elisa Scatena, Eleonora Zenobi. Il RUOLO dei BIOMATERIALI nell’INGEGNERIA dei TESSUTI e POTENZIALI APPLICAZIONI per lo SPAZIO. Corso BIOMAT. Biomaterials, tissue regeneration and innovative technologies for applications in dentistry, orthopaedics and maxillofacial surgery. Rome, National Institution of Health; Edition 2023



Zenobi E, Mochi F, Merco M, Pecci R, Longo G, Girasole M, Bedini R, Ledda M, Del Gaudio C. Sviluppo di scaffold biomimetici per l’ingegneria del tessuto osseo. 8° Convegno Nazionale del Forum On Regenerative Methods, 26-27 May 2022, National Institution of Health, Rome
Merco M, Mochi F, Zenobi E, Scatena E, Lisi A, Del Gaudio C, Ledda M. 3D printed bone like scaffolds: design and biological assesment. 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials. 4-8 September 2022, Bordeaux, France.
Zenobi E, Mochi F, Scatena E, Merco M, Ledda M, Del Gaudio C. 3D printed biomimetic polylactic acid/graphene oxide scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. NanoInnovation 2022. 19-23 September 2022, Rome, Italy.
Mochi F, Zenobi E, Scatena E, Panizza L, Merco M, Lisi A, Ledda M, Del Gaudio C. Evaluation of 3D printed bone-like scaffolds in static and dynamic culture conditions. 3 ° Biennial Conference of Biomaterials and Novels Technologies for Healthcare, 18th -21st October 2022, Rome, Italy.
Zenobi E., Scatena E. National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy 8° Corso di Biomateriali BIOMAT2022 “Biomateriali e metodiche di rigenerazione tessutale in odontoiatria, chirurgia maxillo-facciale e ortopedia” October 2022
Scatena E., Zenobi E., Mochi F., Del Gaudio C. Bone Tissue Engineering in Space: a microgravitational understanding of the “scaffolds-cells-signals” paradigm for a more realistic investigation on the degenerative mechanism, regenerative expectations, and potential devices. Workshop dedicated to the one year of the Topical Team on the bone tissue engineering in space, sponsored by European Space Agency (ESA)
Mochi F, Zenobi E, Scatena E, Panizza L, Merco M, Lisi A, Ledda M, Del Gaudio C. Evaluation of 3D printed bone-like scaffolds in static and dynamic culture conditions. 3 ° Biennial Conference of Biomaterials and Novels Technologies for Healthcare CNR, Rome October 2022
Zenobi E, Mochi F, Scatena E, Merco M, Ledda M, Del Gaudio C. 3D printed biomimetic polylactic acid/graphene oxide scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Sapienza, University of Rome NanoInnovation 2022. September 2022
Merco M, Mochi F, Zenobi E, Scatena S, Lisi A, Del Gaudio C, Ledda M. 3D printed bone-like scaffolds: design and biological assesment. 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials. Porto, Portugal, June 2022


International Journals

Duranti L, Luisetto I, Casciardi S, Del Gaudio C, Di Bartolomeo E. Multi-functional, high-performing fuel electrode for dry methane oxidation and CO2 electrolysis in reversible solid oxide cells. Electrochim Acta. 2021;394:139163.

Russi L, Del Gaudio C. 3D printed multicompartmental capsules for a progressive drug release. Ann 3D Print Med. 2021;3: 100026.

Dragone R, Licciardi G, Grasso G, Del Gaudio C, Chanussot J. Analysis of the Chemical and Physical Environmental Aspects that Promoted the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the Lombard Area. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18:1226.



Roscani V., Lombardi E., Scatena L., D’Agostinis G., Gogu C.M., “ESA Business Applications Ambassador Platform for Italy COVID-19 experience: tools for accelerating the Italian industrial progress and innovation” 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October 2021.

Lombardi E., Scatena L., Gogu C., Spacetech Reporting: the experience of Fondazione E. Amaldi / LUISS Space Finance Observatory in supporting the investment panorama, The ESA Earth Observation Phi-Week 2021, 11-15 October 2021, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.

Scatena L., Del Gaudio C., Licciardi G.,Analysis of the Chemical and Physical Environmental Aspects that Promoted the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the Lombard Area, The ESA Earth Observation Phi-Week 2021, 11-15 October 2021, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.

Corona D, Beatrici M, Sbardella E, Di Domenico G, Lucibello F, Zarcone M, Del Gaudio C. 3D printing copper – graphene oxide nanocomposites. AIP Conf Proc. 2021;2416: 020007.



International Journals

Baiguera S, Del Gaudio C, Di Nardo P, Manzari V, Carotenuto F, Teodori L. 3D printing decellularized extracellular matrix to design biomimetic scaffolds for skeletal muscle tissue engineering. Biomed Research International. 2020, Article ID 2689701, 2020.

Licciardi G, Del Gaudio C, Chanussot J. Non-Linear Spectral Unmixing for the Estimation of the Distribution of Graphene Oxide Deposition on 3D Printed Composites. Applied Science. 2020, 10, 7792.

Baiguera S, Del Gaudio C, Carotenuto F, Di Nardo P, Teodori L. Information-Driven Design as a Potential Approach for 3D Printing of Skeletal Muscle Biomimetic Scaffolds. Nanomaterials 2020, 10(10), 1986.

Duranti L, Luisetto I, Licoccia S, Del Gaudio C, Di Bartolomeo E. Electrochemical performance and stability of LSFMn+NiSDC anode in dry methane. Electrochimica Acta. 2020;362: 137116.

Pecci R, Baiguera S, Ioppolo P, Bedini R, Del Gaudio C. 3D printed scaffolds with random microarchitecture for bone tissue engineering applications: Manufacturing and characterization. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2020;103:103583.



Corona D, Residori S, Sbardella E, Beatrici M, Zarcone M, Di Domenico G, Pugno NM, Del Gaudio C. 3D printed copper – graphene oxide composites. 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition, 12-14 October 2020.

Licciardi GA, Del Gaudio C. 3D printed composite assessment by hyperspectral analysis. 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition, 12-14 October 2020.

Scatena L, Lombardi E. Finance for innovation in support of space-based ventures: the experience of E. Amaldi Foundation in the venture capital investment sector. 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition, 12-14 October 2020.

Corona D, Beatrici M, Di Domenico G, Sbardella E, Zarcone M, Lucibello F, Del Gaudio C. Additive manufacturing of copper-based nanocomposites. NanoInnovation 2020, Roma 15-18/9/2020.

Musumeci D, Montesarchio D, Scatena E, Del Gaudio C, De Matteis F, Francini R, Casalboni M. Preliminary data on a SERS-responsive sensor based on metallic nanostructures functionalized by aptamers specific for arsenic. Mater Res Proc. 2020;16: 46-55

Lombardi E., Scatena L., “The ESA Business Applications Ambassador Platform for Italy: a closer look to the national space activities and the way forward of the Italian and European business applications ecosystem”, 71st  International Astronautical Congress (IAC), The CyberSpace Edition, 12-14 October 2020.



International Journals

Del Gaudio C. A feasibility study for a straightforward decoration of a 3D printing filament with graphene oxide. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 2019;27:607-12.

Scatena E, Baiguera S, Del Gaudio C. Raman spectroscopy and aptamers for a label-free approach: diagnostic and application tools. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2019, DOI: 10.1155/2019/2815789.

Del Gaudio C, Licciardi G. A simple tool for two-dimensional quantification of filler dispersion: a proposal. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 2019;27:446-52.

Bini F, Guachi R, Marconato P, Del Gaudio C, Marinozzi F. Combining additive manufacturing and computational fluid dynamics to optimize scaffold design: a preliminary study. Materials Today Proceedings. 2019;7:484-91.



Vandame P, Chanussot J, Pety J, Gratier P, Licciardi G, Gerin M, Orkisz J, Bron E, Levrier F, Guzman V, Roueff E, Magalhaes V, Petit F, Bourlot J, Languignon D, Hughes A, Roueff A, Peretto N. Deep learning for denoising and analysis of hyperspectral imaging in radio astronomy. 10th Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, WHISPERS Workshop, Amsterdam, the Nederlands, 24-26 September 2019


Musumeci D, Montesarchio D, Riccardi C, Platella C, de Franciscis V, Del Gaudio C, Scatena E, De Matteis F, Francini R, Casalboni M. Preliminary data on a SERS-responsive sensor based on metallic nanoparticles functionalized by an optimized As-binding aptamer. EUROMAT 2019 – European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes. 1-5 September 2019, Stockholm, Sweden.

Licciardi G, Scatena L, Lombardi E, Chanussot J. Deep learning techniques for the quality enhancement of hyperspectral images. The ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019, Milano 13-17/5/ 2019.

Scatena L, Lombardi E, Steinhofel E, Pavone R. Boosting Innovation between Space and non-space sectors: The Business Case of SpaceUp Project. 70th International Astronautical Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 21-25/10/2019.

Del Gaudio C, Pecci R, Bedini R. Scaffold a microstruttura random realizzati mediante stampa 3D per l’ingegneria dei tessuti. 6° Convegno Nazionale del Forum On Regenerative Methods. Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ , Roma 9-10/5/2019.

Zarcone M, Corona D, Sbardella E. Studio del comportamento del Rame e sue leghe nel processo SLM presso la Fondazione E. Amaldi. Congresso: Camere di combustione di motori a razzo realizzate con manifattura additiva in leghe rame. Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Roma 09/04/2019


Chapters in books

Licciardi G. Hyperspectral Data Compression, in Hyperspectral Imaging, edited by J. M. Amigo, Elsevier, 2019.



International Journals

Scatena E, Pascale S, Cairone C, Fabbri F, Del Gaudio C. Thrombin assessment on nanostructured label-free aptamer-based sensors: a mapping investigation via surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Biomed Research International. 2018;2018:5293672

Santo L, Quadrini F, Bellisario D, Tedde GM, Zarcone M, Di Domenico G, D’Angelo P, Corona D. Local density measurement of additive manufactured copper parts by instrumented indentation. AIP Conference Proceedings 2018;1960:100014

Licciardi G, Chanussot J. Spectral transformation based on nonlinear principal component analysis for dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral images. European Journal of Remote Sensing 2018;51:375-390

Rasti B, Scheunders P, Ghamisi P, Licciardi G, Chanussot J. Noise reduction in hyperspectral imagery: overview and application. Remote Sensing. 2018;10,:482



Santo L, Quadrini F, Bellisario D, Tedde GM, Zarcone M, Di Domenico G, D’Angelo P, Corona D. Local density measurement of additive manufactured copper parts by instrumented indentation. Proceedings of the 21st International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming. AIP Conference Proceedings 2018;1960:100014

Sbardella E, Zarcone M, Di Domenico G. Pulsed electron deposition (PED) an easy and suitable technique to ablate and deposit all solid material preserving the target stoichiometry in the deposited films. Supermat: Innovative Industry and Enabling KETs: Advanced Coatings Synthesis and Characterization, Roma 5/12/2018.

Scatena L, Lombardi E, Licciardi G. The New Space Economy powered by Venture Capitalist: An Italian VC Fund for Space. The ESA Earth Observation Phi-Week 2018, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati 12-16/11/2018.

Lombardi E, Licciardi G, Scatena L. KEY2SPACE: providing new market opportunities to added value companies in the new space economy era. 69th International Astronautical Congress, Brema, Germania, 1-5/10/2018.

Lombardi E., Scatena L. Space business applications for the needs of civil society: an overview of AP-IT activities within the ARTES Business Applications and C&G programmes. 69th International Astronautical Congress, Brema, Germania, 1-5/10/2018.

Zarcone M, Di Domenico G, Corona D. Additive manufacturing di rame e sue leghe. Materiali metallici e Processi Produttivi Innovativi per l’Aerospazio. Centro Congressi Federico II, Napoli 19-20/07/2018

Bini F, Guachi R, Marconato P, Del Gaudio C, Marinozzi F. Combining additive manufacturing and computational fluid dynamics to optimize scaffold design: a preliminary study. BioM&M: 1st International Conference on Materials, Mimicking, Manufacturing from and for Bio Application. Milano 27-29/6/2018.



International Journals

Pascale S, Scatena E, Fabbri F, Cataldo F. Morphological and structural properties of neutron-irradiated B12C3 boron carbide microcrystals. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 2017; 25:585-588

Licciardi G, Sellitto P, Piscini A, Chanussot J. Non-linear spectral unmixing for the characterisation of volcanic surface deposit and airborne plumes from remote sensing imagery. Geosciences 2017:7:6



Lombardi E, Licciardi G, Scatena L, Musmeci M. The HAPS opportunities and capabilities to improve the integrated application development in Italy. HAPS4ESA 2017, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands 9-10/10/2017.

Cairone C, Scatena E, Pascale S, Fabbri F, Del Gaudio C. Label-free aptamer-based sensors and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy: a reliable approach to detect very low biomarker concentration for clinical applications. NanoInnovation 2017, Roma 26-29/9/2017.

Licciardi G, Dalla Mura M, Chanussot J. Deep learning techniques for the information extraction from large earth observation data. EO Open Science 2017, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati 25-28/9/2017.

Licciardi G, Scatena L, Lucibello F. K2space: providing new market opportunities to added value companies in the new space economy era. EO Open Science 2017, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati 25-28/9/2017.

Licciardi G. Deep-learning techniques for accurate global horizontal irradiance forecasting. Eumetsat Conference 2017, Roma 2-6/10/ 2017.

Scatena E, Pascale S, Cairone C, Fabbri F, Iannotta S, Del Gaudio C. Sviluppo di un sensore aptamerico per applicazioni nel settore oncologico. Congresso Nazionale “Le nuove sfide della ricerca oncologica: verso una partnership fra enti pubblici e industria nella regione Lazio”, Regione Lazio, Roma 17/5/2017.




Cairone C, Pascale S, Scatena E, Stefani M, Peruzzi C, Secchi A, Del Gaudio C, Fabbri F, Pasquardini L, Iannotta S, Lucibello F. Aptamer-based microfluidic SERS sensor for early cancer diagnosis. Bionection 2016. Halle (Saale), Germania 18-19/10/2016.